How to Store Sourdough Bread?

A healthy and delicious bread that keeps its freshness in your home every day is not just that; Wouldn't you like to find sourdough bread?
All of our artisanal breads produced in Pikan Bakery, where we add health and taste to the delicious breads that are of great importance in our culinary culture, are additive-free, far from artificial processes and are “real”.
Did you know that sourdough has a natural protection?
There is another plus that distinguishes our sourdough breads from other breads; Acetic acid gained by sourdough during the fermentation stage.
Thanks to this natural acid, sourdough breads go stale much later than other breads. It preserves its freshness for a long time, does not easily mold. Accordingly, there is no need for additional preservatives in the making of sourdough breads.
Still, no beauty lasts forever. If not stored with the right methods, even sourdough breads can end up in the trash.
Every Day Like The First Day
We wanted to help you preserve sourdough breads, the crown jewel of the table, the favorite of wonderful snack plates with cheese, the lovely accompaniment of picnics, travels and snacks; We thought we would share the storage conditions of sourdough bread.
Let's examine it together!
You Can Use Airtight Bags
If you are not going to consume your sourdough bread right away, you can save the amount you will use in your meal and then store the rest in cloth bags, taking care to preserve its integrity if possible. It will also be good to use bread storage boxes.
Wiping your bread box and the shelf it is on with vinegar water from time to time can prevent the bread from becoming moldy.
Since our sourdough breads have a high water content, you should take care that they do not come into contact with air while bagging. Let the environment be cool and dry!
You can store it in the refrigerator
If you do not plan to consume your bread for an average week, you can wrap it in slices (each slice separately) in cling film, then put it in a freezer bag and store it in the freezer.
In this way, the smell of the freezer does not permeate the bread, and after defrosting, it is ready for consumption with the freshness and taste of the first day.
Of course, you have to make sure that your bread slices are not airtight.
Deep Milling is a Savior in the Long Term
If you want to store your sourdough bread for more than a week, you can wrap each slice individually with cling film, then divide it into groups of three or four slices to be consumed in one meal, for example, put it in a freezer bag, and then throw it into the deep milling.
After freezing, the beneficial organisms in the sourdough go into sleep mode, and when you thaw, they are reactivated by heat and the nutritional value, taste and freshness of the first day of sourdough bread are preserved.
Breads preserved by these methods preserve their freshness for a long time.
Pikan Fırın's Defrosting Advice
You can defrost the sourdough breads you keep in the freezer or deep freze at room temperature, or you can heat them in a much shorter time with the help of a pan. If you wish, you can consume your fresh sourdough bread by frying it.
Once thawed, the frozen sourdough breads do not lose anything from their freshness and healthy nutritional value.
You can click here to reach our sourdough breads and completely natural products with unique flavors only for us,
Pecan-friendly products that you can enjoy by spreading on a slice of sourdough can be found here.