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Earth and Man in Mythological Roots



“No god, nation, money, human right, law and justice in the universe can exist outside of the common imagination of people.” -YN HARARI

Imagination lies in the dough of our reality as we know it now. At first, we only made sense of our world by imagining it. There was no knowledge, so we called nature magic. We created the myths; consciousness was performing this action without being aware of it. We only had dreams to understand and make sense of.

The Indians called Mahiko to the god. They thought that he created water and air first, and then earth. The Ancient Greeks called the one who gave birth to the universe and started existence Ga-ia (mother earth). Ki (earth), said the Sumerians, thought that when he and the sky were united, the universe was arranged, man was created, and civilization began.

The Mayans stated that the silence in the world made up of water and sky was broken by the birth of the earth. God said, “May the void be filled! Let the sea recede, let the earth appear! Earth, wake up! Let it be so!” After their words, they claimed that mountain tops were seen above the oceans stretching to infinity. For generations, they told us that the land splits the horizon by crossing the surging waters.

The Altays said, "May the Earth be Created!" They claimed that he gave his order.

Thus, life came into existence again from the soil.




Although there were different civilizations with similar variants, it was always believed that man was created from soil; Producing, giving birth and greening soil, of course, should have been the source of not only plants but also all living things. The man who came from him held on to life by processing the seeds from him.

Well, if we go back to the primitive age, long before the formation of all these myths, when there was no time and prosperity to sit and think about what was going on, how did the human, who has been hunting/gathering for almost three million years, started to take the first steps to settle down and become the "real human" we imagine today? Wheat. Wheat is the only answer to this question when it comes to the roots.

“We didn't domesticate wheat, wheat domesticated us.” -YN Harari

Yuval Noah Harari, in his book "From Animals to Gods Homo Sapiens", mentions that the biggest step in the evolution of humanity is growing seeds. Although the search for a more comfortable life brought with it problems, it was instrumental in the development that would open a new era for the human race; agricultural revolution!

Just a small seed.

A small seed touched by man changed all history. After thousands of years, we are still here when we say that the bond established with wheat has led to settlements, settlements to urbanization, and urbanization to all the material-moral, ethical, social rules, rules, laws, and systems produced to keep crowded communities together!




We are still here after thousands of years, but unfortunately we still do not look at the land. On the contrary, in today's digital world, where the person touching the soil is only the finger of a hand, food products can no longer remain pure and additive-free. Even though they come out of the soil, the seeds are not fed from the pure soil. In line with this, we are confronted with more and more health problems by constantly being exposed to processed foods with low benefits. This is where the importance of sourdough breads, einkorn and buckwheat foods comes into play.

You know the food chain, the energy never goes away. When a living thing is consumed by another, it transfers its energy to the one who consumes it. Pastry foods produced from wheat and sourdough, which come out of the bosom of the otherworldly soil, domesticate people, enable them to enter a settled life, and in a way help the birth of independent civilizations of our race, do not only feed the stomach and initiate metabolic movements; it also transfers all the spiritual accumulation and clean energy of the soil to our spiritual bodies.

If you want to reach our products and be satisfied with the clean energy of the soil, you can click on the link .

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