Delicious Recipes with Croutons!

If you want to know what croutons are and what they are not, let's take you here. The origin of the word is French. It has entered our language by evolving from the word “Crouton” meaning “piece of bread crust” or “fried bread”.
A crouton is the cooking of diced soft bread crumbs by pan-frying or oven-drying. Spices that vary according to taste are used while cooking. In this way, croutons with different flavors are obtained.
1 cup of croutons is equivalent to approximately 186 calories. Considering that there are 284 calories in an average whole salmon white bread, consuming croutons is a delicious, satisfying and less calorie alternative.
For this reason, croutons are an option that can be used by individuals who want to diet or who are mindful of their weight even if they are not on a diet, and those who follow healthy lifestyle trends.
It is also common that breads, which are the crown jewels of Turkish food culture, go stale from time to time. It is quite predictable that people start to think of alternative uses when they can't help throwing stale bread in the trash.
Croutons may be the tastiest way to recycle stale bread. It is a much more practical and useful option for using the bread that is not consumed because it hardens, rather than wasting it.
Although it is generally preferred to use bread for recycling, stale bread is not the only way to make croutons. It is also possible to make croutons when fresh bread is left out overnight and hardened. However, this will affect the taste of the resulting croutons and reduce its crunchy texture.
Croutons can be consumed with various meals, from juicy dishes to meat dishes, from soups to salads and omelettes. Spicy croutons can be consumed alone with its crunchy texture and flavor.
With its crunchy texture and various spice content, croutons are often used as an accompaniment to soups and caesar salads, but can even be consumed with yogurt. When you say an Alexander on the smoke, a hot seasonal soup, colorful salads, what and how the croutons are eaten with is completely up to the person's taste.
Stale bread is the key to making croutons. The croutons, which are very easy to make, can be prepared in a jiffy using stale bread, a little butter or a variety of optional spices such as olive oil, mint, paprika, oregano.
You can get the croutons of your choice in different ways, such as sautéing in butter, frying or drying in the oven. It is generally preferred to use the baking method as it contains less oil and dries each area equally.
The croutons, which can also be flavored with spices such as garlic, basil and rosemary, are used in different dishes according to the spice they contain. For example; You can use a crouton with tomatoes in soups that will go well with tomatoes, you can use a crouton with garlic and mint with yogurt and in salads. If you want to make croutons in the oven, you can consider the following frequently used recipe.
1. Stale bread is left out overnight to harden well. If the bread is hard enough already, there is no need to do this.
2. It is chopped into cubes. Optional shells can also be added. Sliced breads are placed on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper.
3. Spices are added to the breads lined with greaseproof paper according to the person's request. Then olive oil is drizzled on it.
4. Breads are fried in a preheated 170 degree oven.
After the croutons have cooled, they can be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator for an average of 1 week.
Unlike normal croutons, Pikan Bakery croutons consist of a delightful combination of pure and real wheat flour and sourdough. With the healing power and special taste of our own sourdough sourdough, our croutons are also unique to us.
Our whole grain croutons offer a healthy and enjoyable snack consisting of whole wheat flour, sourdough, rye paste and different seeds. Our farm croutons consist of wheat flour and sourdough, as well as rye flour, thyme and chili flakes.
Our Mediterranean crouton has an aroma enriched with the taste of dried tomatoes, basil and rosemary, as well as the miracle of wheat flour and sourdough. Our pecan croutons also include the dynamism of walnuts, along with wheat and sourdough.
With their rich ingredients and quality, our real breads reflect their energy on the croutons we produce. You can follow healthy life trends and make your meals fun and satisfying with our croutons in various flavors.
Click here to find our exclusive sourdough breads and all-natural products.